DPMO Calculator

Defects Per Million Opportunities, abbreviated as DPMO is the performance measure of a process. It is represented in opportunities per million units. It can also be termed as the Non-conformities per million opportunities (NPMO). It is used for the improvement of a process and can be calculated based on the number of defects, number of units and no.of opportunities per unit. Use the below calculator to calculate Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO).

Defects Per Million Opportunities Calculation

Defects Per Million Opportunities, abbreviated as DPMO is the performance measure of a process. It is represented in opportunities per million units. It can also be termed as the Non-conformities per million opportunities (NPMO). It is used for the improvement of a process and can be calculated based on the number of defects, number of units and no.of opportunities per unit. Use the below calculator to calculate Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO).

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DPMO = 1000000 x D / (U x O) Where, DPMO = Defects Per Million Opportunities D = Number of Defects Observed in the Sample U = Number of Units in the Sample O = Opportunities per Unit


For example, let us consider that the number of defects observed in the sample be 5, and the number of units in the sample is 20, and the opportunities for defect per unit is 2 then the DPMO is calculated as follows,
Number of Defects Observed in the Sample D = 5
Number of Units in the Sample U = 20
Opportunities per Unit O = 2

DPMO = 1000000 x D / (U x O)

Applying the values in the formula,
DPMO = 1000000 x 5 / (20 x 2)
DPMO = 125000

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