Stroke Volume Index Calculator

The amount of blood pumped from the left ventricle is called as stroke volume. For each beat only two thirds of the blood is pumped out from the ventricle. The body surface area is used in many clinical purposes than the body weight. The BSA depends on height, weight, age, gender and other factors. The stroke volume index is the ratio of the stroke volume and BSA. Enter the stroke volume and BSA in the stroke volume index calculator to find the stroke volume index(SVI).


The amount of blood pumped from the left ventricle is called as stroke volume. For each beat only two thirds of the blood is pumped out from the ventricle. The body surface area is used in many clinical purposes than the body weight. The BSA depends on height, weight, age, gender and other factors. The stroke volume index is the ratio of the stroke volume and BSA. Enter the stroke volume and BSA in the stroke volume index calculator to find the stroke volume index(SVI).

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Stroke Volume Index = Stroke Volume in mL/ Body Surface Area in m2


The stroke volume of peter is measured as 36 mL and his BSA is 4m2, find the stroke volume index?


Stroke Volume Index = 36 / 2
= 9mL/m2 .

Note :This statistics calculator is presented for your own personal use and is to be used as a guide only. Medical and other decisions should NOT be based on the results of this calculator. Although this calculator has been tested, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of its calculations or results.

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